Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Wedding Planners

Wedding planners in India are much sought after. It is a great occasion which requires great planning and so a wedding planner needs to assist in all the possible nitigrities.

It is of utmost importance that you choose a planner who is efficient and does the job well. Many people choose a planner for themselves according to their needs. The best way to get clients is by putting up a special book in the marriage counters next to the entrance at weddings where people sign in their names and addresses. Then one can contact the people for prospective weddings.

Another way is to advertise in wedding magazines and then too one gets calls from prospective brides and grooms. Then one can also send emails to people and the ones interested would write back. In this one can plug in photographs and present one`s way of arranging the wedding ceremonies

Once engaged there`s lots to do. The tents, the decor, the flowers, the wedding theme has all to be chalked out.

The food arrangements have also to be made. This is all done in consonance with the bride or groom`s family. The planner also suggests the location for the wedding and makes all the arrangements for the ceremony over there. The guests are to be made comfortable. The right kind of furniture has to be ordered, the cost-effective caterers and also the food menu worked out with the family.

The entertainment maybe asked for by the family in terms of a DJ and the music systems have all to be organised in time.

The theme is a big factor in the decor. Lots depend on it. The people choose the theme. Suppose the family wants a colour for instance red as the theme, then one needs to maybe order red roses for the tables, red table cloths, then also the other things like maybe printed material for the chairs in tones of red with contrasting colours can be added on.

Then the theme could be a flower for instance lotuses so lotuses can decorate the pandala and could be in vases all over. The theme could be plants so many planters can be ordered and plants can be put all over the place and leaf patterns on the shamianas could be there.

Many people choose exotic locales or old forts as their favourite place for the wedding. This has to be booked well in advance and desirable decor has to be ordered and organised and the rooms for the guests have to be decorated and prepared and booked in advance.

Thus there is a lot for a wedding planner to do and a lot depends on him.

To know more about Indian Wedding, please visit:

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